Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy Baby Always Makes My Day

I have to say that there is NOTHING better in this world than waking up to a happy baby well more like a Happy Kason.

He woke up around 6 this morning...talking and laughing and playing with his teddy bear. When he does this sometimes I like to stand outside his bedroom and listen to him. I swear my heart doubles in size for this baby boy every single day. I always knew I wanted to be a mommy but never thought that it would be as amazing as it is. I cherish every single day that I have with him, I treat it like its our last day on earth together. I NEVER go a day without telling him I love him and giving him 1,000+ kisses. He is the most precious thing in my life.

Now I will say that there are a few things that I am worried about with him and hopefully soon will be able to get him a Dr's Apt to discuss my concerns. But I feel like he is not as "sturdy" (I guess would be the right word) as most 9.5 month old babies. He still seems to have difficulty sitting up by himself and when he does he tends to slouch really bad. I pray that there is nothing wrong but something in my heart is telling me it's something that needs to checked on. I do understand babies develop at certain rates but this is something I feel should be down pat for him by this point.

None the less though I know I have the best and most perfect baby in the world and if there is something wrong I know we can work through it together.

Well what do you that talking I hear? Sounds like he just woke up from his nap. Well I'm off to rescue you him from the crib and place him in my arms again. :)

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