All About Kason Alexander

Kason Alexander AKA Boo Boo was born on November 14th, 2009 at 0815 in Columbia South Carolina. He was the biggest surprise of my life but I wouldn't change anything. I love this kid with my entire heart and more. His father is not around nor has he ever been...but thats ok we are making it just fine on our own.

He has been the PERFECT child since the day he was concieved. Mommy had no morning sickness and the absolute best pregnancy any women could have asked for. Sure I had a few days of sickness but they were never due to pregnancy. :) The day he was first placed into my arms I trully new what love was. He hasnt been one to cry often and when he did there was good reason for him to be. He has trully made me the happiest mommy in the world. 

We recently found out that Kason has some sort of Muscele Disease we are uncertain of what it may be but the Dr. doesnt believe it is anything real serious as he has been progressing everyday. Since the time he was around 5 months or so I noticed he was delayed in motor skills. He wasnt up to speed with most other children his age. Everytime I brought a concern up to the Dr I was just told "every child learns at different rates" well I knew better. Im his mommy for crying out loud. So I NEVER stopped fighting and nearly a year later we are getting the help for him that he needs and I couldnt be any happier. 

Kason might have made my life a little bit harder but he has also made it better. <3