18 week ultra sound. It's a BOY!!! |
Gosh Im having such a hard time beliving that it is October 23rd and in 22 days my baby boy will be 1. What in the world?! I remember this time last year how anxious I was about him making his big debut. I was counting down the days to his due date which was November 13th.
40 Weeks Preg |
Going to dr appt's every other week and every time hearing the dr say before the end of the month he will be here no doubt in my mind. So I counted down the days to the end of the month waiting, waiting, and waiting and still nothing...no baby and my last apt in October which was October 28th if I remember correctly I was told I had not dialted yet. I was so dissapointed I was hoping for my prescious baby boy to be here early. But October quickly passed and November came the month I had so desperatly been waiting for since March 14th (the day I found out I was pregnant).
With the end of October begining of November so many other miracles were born a girl I worked with had her baby on halloween, my sisters friend had her baby a few days before, my ex best friends sister had her's on the 3rd, and my friend who was due after me had hers on the 8th. When I heard that I was just aggravated...I remember yelling at my belly telling Kason "to come out I am soooo ready to hold you!" Well he didnt listen. My next apt was November 9th and I was only dialted to 2cm I was beyond annoyed at that point my mom and sister were going to be visiting in a week and I didnt want to be in the hospital during the 4 days they were with me. We had scheduled for an induction the next Wednesday just in case he didnt come out by then. But I refused to wait that long...the nurse at teh dr's office once mentioned to me getting my membranes scrapped. So I called on that Wednesday and begged to get an apt to get this done.
Our First moments together. |
They gave me one on Friday...his due date. So Friday morning I went and had my membranes scrapped and OH MY GOSH that was the most painful thing I had ever experienced...next to the whole child birth thing. lol But it was completely worth it, after some walking around that day with my friend Josie and a nice warm candle lit bubble bath contractions started coming in at 5 minutes a part. I was so thrilled. Josie took me to the hospital where they hooked me and saw I had the contractions but I was not dialating anymore and after an hour of them watching me they were about to send a very sad soon to be mommy home....but as I started to sit up I felt something gross gushing in between my legs and alas it was my water...it BROKE!!!! I was NOT going home...I was officially in labor. Soon my baby would be with me. So 13 hours later at exactly 8:15am November 14th my baby boy was born. My heart, my soul, the one person that keeps me going every single day. I dont even know how to describe how I felt the moment he was first placed in my arms. I NEVER in a million years thought it was possible to love one single person so much. I didnt know I could fall in love so quickly either. But I did...in only a matter of seconds I was in love my baby boy Kason Alexander. It's an experience that can never trully be explained and I think it's fair to say that you can only really understand once you have gone through it. Pregnancy is just so magical and wonderful and something I cant wait to experience again. Even though I miss the belly at times and the little kicks he would give me I love having him in my arms or terroizing my house so much more. He trully is the best thing to happen in my life and I wouldnt change a thing.
My Miracle baby Kason Alexander |